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Empower your team with workstreams.ai
Standardize processes with our workflows.
Use AI to get more done in less time
Start with a Prompt
Save time and get inspired with our AI Task Description Generator. Get a jump start on any task by providing a prompt. With a few simple clicks, you can adjust this to be as detailed or concise as you'd like.

Get Action Items
Transform detailed task descriptions into checkable subtasks. Assign each subtask to a team member for accountability.

Save Prompt Shortcuts
Finding the perfect prompt can take some fine-tuning and modifications to get it just right. However, once you've found the perfect one, saving it as a shortcut will allow you to access it instantly in the future. So, next time, your go-to prompt will be just a click away!

Time Allocation
By tracking the time spent by each task every step of your process, you can compare completion times between tasks and make necessary adjustments. This provides you with valuable insights that can be used to improve your SLAs and identify bottlenecks.

Unlock frozen tasks
The "Frozen tasks" feature is a great visual reminder of tasks that have been stuck or ‘frozen’ on your taskboard for a while.

Outline tasks on a calendar
Our calendar offers a monthly, weekly and daily view of your agenda. Completed tasks and tasks past their due date are marked accordingly.

Automate repeating tasks
Working on the same tasks at an exact given date? Set it to repeat, so you never miss a beat!

Get stuff done with automation, clear communication & focus

Make automation work for you
Take ownership, set auto-assignees, automate handover, review, and feedback loops. Our app allows you to save time and lets you focus on the big picture.

Communicate & collaborate
Is your team on Slack or Microsoft Teams? Integrate workstreams.ai to your channels for a complete sync between your communication and productivity tools.

Keep your work connected
Explore avenues of collaboration together with your team. Find productivity opportunities with our use-case-proven workflows and get things done.

Time is of the essence
Keep track of time spent on tasks with our time allocation feature. Gain knowledge on how to increase performance with our GetStuffDone index.
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No matter your goal, make the process a joy for your team

Marketer? We’ve got you covered
From drafting your campaigns to content creation and reporting, our features enable a full 360 marketing operation.

Process every applicant, hire for every position
Manage your HR and recruiting needs with our workflows. Everything from recruiting to onboarding and employee retention.

The premier experience for handling customer requests
Keep track of feedback, bug reports, customer requests, and feature releases. Our suite of features and workflows handle a wide variety of development-related processes.
All your work, right in your Slack channels

Create tasks. Right where you communicate.
Our bot works alongside your team on Slack. Each Slack channel where our bot is present gets a fully-customizable Kanban board. Our bot and Kanban taskboards work in parallel to provide full transparency on what matters now to everyone.
Trusted by exceptional teams
Increased Efficiency
70% of users say their processes are more efficient since using workstreams.ai
Maximize Resources
No repetitive follow-up emails, calls or messages required
Business outcome focused
Complete projects on time with built-in, real-time data tracking