Your very own sales Workflow
Our workflows adjust to your process. Auto-assignees, handoffs, reviews, ownership, templates. It's all there, ready to go.
Our workflows adjust to your process. Auto-assignees, handoffs, reviews, ownership, templates. It's all there, ready to go.
All too often, sales teams are blocked from doing great work by obstacles in the road. A myriad of permissions, roles & releases are behind a walled garden, controlled by an almighty admin or sales lead. workstreams.ai eliminates that severe pain point completely. No hassle, no signups, no roles. Just focus on what needs to get done.
Going from email to Salesforce and back gets tedious pretty fast. That is even before you reach the endless different file sharing tools your team uses. With workstreams.ai you eliminate clutter in a single sweep. All your potential leads, discussions, contact details and files are in a single place, readily available.
Switching contexts is a drag. It also directly contributes to lost time and drifting focus. workstreams.ai places your sales process directly where your team communicates. Any issue is resolved with your teammates in seconds, allowing you to focus on the lead at hand.
Creating a task for a lead you and your team want to pursue and are discussing is astoundingly simple. You can turn any message into a workstreams.ai task, and it will land in your planned column. If you have your email connected to Slack, you can turn emails into sales lead task with a single tap.
Create your first task in the workflow! Type N or simply use the task template. Contoso Steel Inc is the prize. Add some description about the lead. Assign it to a member of your sales team. The train is rollin'!
Your teammate moves that task to the evaluation step of your pipeline. She adds some questions to ask Contoso to establish the customer requirements.
The journey continues. A teammate has moved a task to the proposal stage. An appointment with Contoso is set up. Your files are in, your deck is ready, and the contact details are in the task thread. All are accessible via the workstreams.ai app. Go close that deal!
Some negotiating back-and-forth is always at the heart of a sales process. This is when tasks glide along to the next step of your workflow and a teammate knows when to pick it up.
Attach the final signed contract to the task, and move it to the legal part of your pipeline. A teammate from the Legal department picks it up, dealing with the paperwork. It's time to celebrate, a deal has been closed!
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