In this edition of our Working Wisely series, we explore one of our highlight features in the app, our Workflows. Sound good? Let's get started. + Workflows
Here at, we consider the Workflow to be the centerpiece around which the app is built. We regard it as the main building block our customers use to standardize their tasks and document their processes.
One of our goals is to develop our app so that it caters to 80% of processes an SMBE might have in their day-to-day work. We want our Workflows to cater to HR and Marketing with the same flexibility as they would for Customer Success and Sales processes. The app and the Workflows should be flexible enough to adapt and grow to your needs.
Since the inception of our Workflows, they've stayed true to their initial purpose– to act as a framework for standard operating procedures for various industries and verticals. They allow teams to use them at scale while producing predictable, positive outcomes.
What is a Workflow?
The premise is simple. A Workflow consists of a set of task templates relevant to the process in question. It includes a set of labels and custom fields that cater to various scenarios within the given process. These components are underpinned by a Kanban-style taskboard that contains detailed worksteps. In iterations with our clients, we've developed a large collection of Workflows that you can check out in our Workflow library.
Each of these can then be adapted further to fit your exact needs. Automation can be added, ownership assigned, and various levels of control introduced.
This results in the ability to deploy a process that produces a predictable, positive outcome, an infinite number of times.
The peace of mind and confidence that this instills in a team cannot be quantified. Actually, scratch that, it can. It frees up time to be better spent elsewhere, allows for better resource allocation, and cuts down on documentation. workflows allow you to instill trust in your team with full transparency, clarity, and ownership.

Why should you use a Workflow?
Once the Workflow has been created and tweaked in a way to cater to the exact needs of the process in question, it is error-proof. You can deploy it and use it a thousand times, it will still require the same tasks to be done the same way by the same teammates at the required stage.
A great example here would be our Customer Success Workflow. Once your CS Lead tweaks it to the exact needs of your business, the Workflow ensures each CS employee that starts a new operation will use the same workflow with the same outcomes. No stress, no fuss no confusion.
This has been a small glimpse into the world of our Workflows. We expect them to grow, change and adapt as our clientele uses them. Reach out to us if you have any feedback, recommendations, or suggestions. Who knows, you might even have a great Workflow you want to share in our Library!